Running Projects
- DFG project “Analysis of Random Transport in Chains using Modern Tools from Systems and Control Theory”
- DFG project “Curse-of-Dimensionality-Free Nonlinear Optimal Feedback Control with Deep Neural Networks. Spatially Decreasing Sensitivity and Nonsmooth Problems”
- DFG project “Multilevel Architectures and Algorithms in Deep Learning”
- DFG project “Robust Stability and Control for Systems with Outputs”
- DFG project “Stability and Control for Systems of Infinite and Varying Dimension”
- DFG project “Stochastic Optimal Control and MPC – Dissipativity, Risk and Performance”
- Industrial project “HIRGEV - Heat Resilient Health Care”
(funded by the Innovation Fund of the Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss) - Project “Nonconvex subdifferentials in nonsmooth optimization”
(funded by Tel Aviv University and The Hermann Minkowski Center for Geometry, Israel) - Project “Set-valued numerical analysis”
(funded by The Hermann Minkowski Center for Geometry in Tel Aviv, Israel; DAAD; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Finished Projects – sorted by time
until 2024:
until 2023:
- DFG project “Performance analysis for distributed and multiobjective model predictive control – The role of Pareto fronts, multiobjective dissipativity and multiple equilibria”
- Industrial project “Model predictive control of combined cycle power plants”
(funded by Siemens AG, Divison Power and Gas, Erlangen)
until 2022:
- DFG project “Identification of Stresses in Heterogeneous Contact Models”
- DFG project “Nonsmooth multi-level optimization algorithms for energetic formulations of finite-strain elastoplasticity”
until 2020:
- DFG project “Model predictive PDE control for energy efficient building operation: economic model predictive control and time varying systems”
- DFG project “Specialized adaptive algorithms for model predictive control of PDEs”
until 2019:
- DFG project “Optimal control of static contact in finite strain elasticity”
- DFG project “Optimization on manifolds for the numerical solution of equality constrained variational problems”
until 2018:
- DFG project “Performance analysis for distributed and multiobjective model predictive control”
PhD Project “Feedback-based trading strategies on noisy markets”
(PhD scholarship of the Hanns Seidel Stiftung e. V. (HSS), funded by BMBF)
until 2017:
- DFG project “Model predictive control for the Fokker-Planck equation”
until 2016:
- BMBF project “Wear simulation of knee implants and shape optimization for patient-group specific wear minimization” (SOAK) – Subproject 3
until 2015:
- DFG project “Analysis and design of event-based control with quantized measurements – networked systems”
- DFG project “Development of decentralized asynchronous predictive control methods for digitally networked systems”
until 2014:
- DFG Priority Programme [Schwerpunktprogramm] 1305 “Control theory for digitally networked dynamical systems”
- ITN SADCO: Marie-Curie Initial Training Network “Sensitivity analysis for deterministic controller design”
- ITN SADCO “Large scale systems: sensitivity analysis and numerical methods” (Task 1.4)
- ITN SADCO “Optimal control approaches to reachability analysis: safety & avoidance” (Task 2.5)
- ITN SADCO “Stability analysis via coupled Hamilton-Jacobi equations” (Task 3.1)
- ITN SADCO “The formulation and online solution of optimal control problems. Robust nonlinear model predictive control” (Task 3.3)
until 2013:
- International Doctorate Program within the Elite Network of Bavaria “Identification, optimization and control with applications in modern technologies”
- ITN SADCO “Discrete mechanics and optimal control” (Task 1.5)
until 2010:
- DFG project “Analysis and design of discrete event controllers with quantized signal spaces”
- DFG project “Development of asynchronous predictive control methods for digitally networked dynamical systems”
Edition of “Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften (BMS)”
(funded by the Department of Mathematics)
until 2009:
- DAAD project “Mathematical methods of operations research”
until 2004:
Project “Global numerical solution of stochastic optimal control problems”
(funded by Zentrum für Empirische Makroökonomie, University of Bielefeld) -
Project “Nonlinear sampled-data control systems and numerical methods”
(funded by Australian Research Council (ARC), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)