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Department of Mathematics

Chair of Applied Mathematics Prof. Dr. L. Grüne / Prof. Dr. A. Schiela

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Workshop “Control and Optimization in the Age of Data”

News (July 22, 2024) Participants Programme List of hotels Venue & how to reach us

18-20 September, 2024
University of Bayreuth, Germany 18-20 September, 2024

kleineres Bild des Campus der University von oben / smaller picture of the bird's-eye view of the main campus of the university kleineres Bild des Innenhofes des NW 2-Gebäudes / smaller picture of the patio of the building “NW 2”

This workshop is an event of the GAMM Activity Group “Optimization with Partial Differential Equations” and will take place at the University of Bayreuth. It will start on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 in the afternoon (around 2 pm) and will run until Friday, 20 September, noon.


Anton Schiela, Lars Grüne


If you want to attend the workshop, please send an email

to the secretary Andrea Groll
with the subject "GAMM FA 2024"

in order to register until 31st of May 2024 and indicate if you plan to give a talk. The total number of talks is limited to 20. The participation is free of charge.


Please book your accomodation on your own. For suggestions, see our list of hotels. In the details you find directions from the railway station or the university to the hotels.


All talks will be held on the main Campus of the University of Bayreuth.
Further information on the program will be available in due time (see the news for updates).

Some of the previous events:

responsible for the content: Lars Grüne

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