Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PhD Course at the
Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
24-25 September 2012
Summary: This course gives an introduction into the theoretical foundations of nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC), focusing on systems theoretic properties like stability, suboptimality and feasibility.
Course Material:
- Slides (PDF format, including "click-through" animations)
- Handout (PDF format, static version of the slides, four on one page, suitable for printing)
- Exercise sheets (PDF format)
- nmpc.m (MATLAB implementation of an NMPC loop for the computer exercises. This is a variant of the respective routine from in which the numerical ODE solver is replaced by the explicit Euler scheme in order to allow for faster - though less accurate - performance)
- double_integrator.m (MATLAB template for Exercise 3)
Further reading:
- The course essentially follows the book which also contains all the references referred to on the slides
- MATLAB Files implementing the example from p.11 of the slides can be found here