Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PhD Course at the
7th Elgersburg School, Elgersburg, Germany (Poster)
2-7 March 2015
Summary: This course gives an introduction into the theoretical foundations of nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC), focusing on systems theoretic properties like stability, suboptimality and feasibility. Besides stabilizing NMPC, the course also presents recent results on economic NMPC.
Course Material:
- Slides (PDF format, including "click-through" animations)
- Handout (PDF format, static version of the slides, four on one page, suitable for printing)
- Exercise sheets (PDF format)
- nmpc.m (MATLAB implementation of an NMPC loop for the computer exercises. This is a variant of the respective routine from in which the numerical ODE solver is replaced by the explicit Euler scheme in order to allow for faster - though less accurate - performance)
- double_integrator.m (MATLAB template for Exercise 3)
Further reading:
- The sections on stabilizing MPC essentially follow the book which also contains all the references referred to on the slides
- A good reference for stabilizing MPC with terminal constraints is the by now classical survey [Mayne, Rawlings, Rao, Scokaert 2000]
- A more recent survey on stabilizing and economic MPC without terminal constraints can be found here
- The results on economic MPC are taken from the articles [Angeli, Amrit, Rawlings 2012], [Grüne 2013] and [Grüne, Stieler 2014]
- MATLAB Files implementing the example from p.12 of the slides can be found here