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Vortrag von Ting-Kam Leonard Wong im MODUS-Oberseminar: „Optimal transport and information geometry“

Mittwoch, den 22. Juni 2022

Am Mittwoch, dem 22. Juni 2022, um 16:00 Uhr spricht in einer Zoom-Konferenz

Herr Prof. Dr. Ting-Kam Leonard Wong
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistical Sciences
Faculty of Arts & Science
University of Toronto
and Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Arts & Science
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough

im Rahmen des

Forschungszentrums für Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS)

über das Thema

„Optimal transport and information geometry“.

Weitere Einzelheiten erfahren Sie im eLearning-Kurs (Vortragsankündigungen, Diskussionen, ...) des MODUS-Forschungszentrums.

Dort stehen auch die konkreten Einwahldaten zur Videokonferenz.


Spaces of probability distributions occur naturally in probability, statistics and machine learning. Optimal transport and information geometry are both mathematical frameworks for studying geometries on these spaces. Optimal transport characterizes the cost-minimizing movement from one distribution to another, while information geometry originates from coordinate invariant properties of statistical inference. After reviewing both frameworks, we explain a remarkable relationship – based on pseudo-Riemannian geometry – between the two fields. Finally, we discuss some statistical applications inspired by these results.
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