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Prof. Dr. Andrii Mironchenko Dr. habil. Andrii Mironchenko
Prof. Dr. Andrii Mironchenko

Mathematisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik

Heisenberg-Stelle am Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik seit Dezember 2024,
unterstützt durch das DFG-Projekt „Stabilität und Kontrolle von Systemen unendlicher und variabler Dimension

Prof. Dr. Andrii Mironchenko

Mathematisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik

  • Stabilitätsanalyse großskaliger Netzwerke
  • Stabilität und Kontrolle unendlicher Netzwerke
  • Hybride, impulsive, zeitdiskrete und geschaltete Systeme
  • Nicht-koerzive Lyapunov-Theorie
  • Monotone (positive) Systeme
Prof. Dr. Andrii Mironchenko

Mathematisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik



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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Alexander Kilian, Bernhard Maschke, Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems with a stationary interface. In: European Journal of Control, 82 (2025). - .

Jochen Glück und Andrii Mironchenko: Stability criteria for positive semigroups on ordered Banach spaces. In: Journal of Evolution Equations, 25 (2025). - .

Diskussionspapiere & Preprints    ↑ top

Sahiba Arora und Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-state stability in integral norms for linear infinite-dimensional systems.. - Bayreuth, 2025-01. - 22 S.

Andrii Mironchenko: Modeling and stability analysis of live systems with time-varying dimension.. - Bayreuth, 2025-01. - 9 S.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Antoine Chaillet, Fabian Wirth, Andrii Mironchenko und Lucas Brivadis: For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform global attractivity. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 (2024). - S. 484-489.

Lucas Brivadis, Antoine Chaillet, Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Forward completeness implies bounded reachable sets for time-delay systems on the state space of essentially bounded measurable functions. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 (2024). - S. 1667-1672.

Andrii Mironchenko: Well-posedness and properties of the flow for semilinear evolution equations. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 36 (2024). - S. 483-523.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth, Antoine Chaillet und Lucas Brivadis: ISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem with point-wise dissipation : a V-stability approach. In: 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2024. - S. 7896-7901.

Patrick Bachmann, Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Superposition theorems for input-to-output stability of infinite dimensional systems. In: 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2024. - S. 3434-3439.

Diskussionspapiere & Preprints    ↑ top

Patrick Bachmann, Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Characterization of input-to-output stability for infinite dimensional systems.. - Würzburg, 2024-10. - 16 S.


Bücher    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-State Stability : Theory and Applications. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2023. - XVI, 406 S.

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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Alexander Kilian, Bernhard Maschke, Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: A case study of port-Hamiltonian systems with a moving interface. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7 (2023). - S. 1572-1577.

Andrii Mironchenko: Lyapunov criteria for robust forward completeness of distributed parameter systems. In: Systems & Control Letters, 180 (2023). - .

Christoph Kawan, Andrii Mironchenko und Majid Zamani: A Lyapunov-based ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks of nonlinear system. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68 (2023). - S. 1447-1462.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Felix Schwenninger: Coercive quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for analytic systems. In: 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2023. - S. 4699-4704.

Andrii Mironchenko: Live systems of varying dimension : modeling and stability. In: 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2023. - S. 3956-3961.

Diskussionspapiere & Preprints    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Felix Schwenninger: Coercive quadratic converse ISS Lyapunov functions for linear analytic systems.. - Enschede, The Netherlands, 2023-03. - 22 S.

Abschlussarbeit    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-State Stability of Distributed Parameter Systems. - Passau, 2023. 285 S.
(, 2023, Universität Passau, Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik)


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Birgit Jacob, Andrii Mironchenko und Felix Schwenninger: Editorial: Input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 34 (2022). - S. 215-216.

Navid Noroozi, Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: A relaxed small-gain theorem for discrete-time infinite networks. In: Automatica, 142 (2022). - .

Jochen Glück und Andrii Mironchenko: Revisiting stability of positive linear discrete-time systems. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022). - S. 37-42.

Navid Noroozi, Andrii Mironchenko, Christoph Kawan und Majid Zamani: A small-gain theorem for set stability of infinite networks : Distributed observation and ISS for time-varying networks. In: European Journal of Control, 67 (2022). - .


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko, Navid Noroozi, Christoph Kawan und Majid Zamani: ISS small-gain criteria for infinite networks with linear gain functions. In: Systems & Control Letters, 157 (2021). - .

Christoph Kawan, Andrii Mironchenko, Abdalla Swikir, Navid Noroozi und Majid Zamani: A Lyapunov-based small-gain theorem for infinite networks. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66 (2021). - S. 5830-5844.

Andrii Mironchenko: Non-uniform ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks. In: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 38 (2021). - S. 1029-1045.

Andrii Mironchenko, Christoph Kawan und Jochen Glück: Nonlinear small-gain theorems for input-to-state stability of infinite interconnections. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 33 (2021). - S. 573-615.

Navid Noroozi, Andrii Mironchenko, Christoph Kawan und Majid Zamani: Set stability of infinite networks : ISS small-gain theory and its applications. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2021). - S. 72-77.

Jochen Glück und Andrii Mironchenko: Stability criteria for positive linear discrete-time systems. In: Positivity, 25 (2021). - S. 2029-2059.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Christophe Prieur: Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems : Recent results and open questions. In: SIAM Review, 62 (2020). - S. 529-614.

Birgit Jacob, Andrii Mironchenko, Jonathan R. Partington und Fabian Wirth: Noncoercive Lyapunov functions for input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58 (2020). - S. 2952-2978.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Existence of non-coercive Lyapunov functions is equivalent to integral uniform global asymptotic stability. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 31 (2019). - S. 1-26.

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Non-coercive Lyapunov functions for infinite-dimensional systems. In: Journal of Differential Equations, 266 (2019). - S. 7038-7072.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Characterizations of input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63 (2018). - S. 1692-1707.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko: Uniform weak attractivity and criteria for practical global asymptotic stability. In: Systems & Control Letters, 105 (2017). - S. 92-99.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Global converse Lyapunov theorems for infinite-dimensional systems. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (2016). - S. 897-902.

Andrii Mironchenko: Local input-to-state stability : Characterizations and counterexamples. In: Systems & Control Letters, 87 (2016). - S. 23-28.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: Restatements of input-to-state stability in infinite dimensions : what goes wrong?. In: Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2016). - Minneapolis, MN, USA : 2016. - S. 667-674.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Hiroshi Ito: Construction of Lyapunov Functions for Interconnected Parabolic Systems : An iISS Approach. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53 (2015). - S. 3364-3382.

Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth und Kai Wulff: Stabilization of switched linear differential algebraic equations and periodic switching. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (2015). - S. 2102-2113.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Hiroshi Ito: Construction of iISS Lyapunov functions for interconnected parabolic systems. In: Proceedings of 2015 European Control Conference (ECC '15). - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2015. - S. 37-42.

Andrii Mironchenko und Fabian Wirth: A note on input-to-state stability of linear and bilinear infinite-dimensional systems. In: Proceedings of 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2015. - S. 495-500.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Jan Kozłowski: Optimal allocation patterns and optimal seed mass of a perennial plant. In: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 354 (2014). - S. 12-24.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Hiroshi Ito: Integral input-to-state stability of bilinear infinite-dimensional systems. In: Proceedings of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2014. - S. 3155-3160.

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Lyapunov methodology for stability analysis of impulsive systems. In: Proceedings of SICE Multi Symposium on Control Systems 2014. - Tokyo, Japan : 2014.

Andrii Mironchenko, Guosong Yang und Daniel Liberzon: Lyapunov small-gain theorems for not necessarily ISS hybrid systems. In: Proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014). - Groningen, The Netherlands : University of Groningen Press, 2014. - S. 1001-1008.

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Stability of nonlinear infinite dimensional impulsive systems and their interconnections. In: Proceedings of 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2014. - S. 2071-2076.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 25 (2013). - S. 1-35.

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-state stability of nonlinear impulsive systems. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51 (2013). - S. 1962-1987.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Andrii Mironchenko und Jan Kozłowski: Optimal allocation strategies of perennial plants. In: 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2013. - S. 3361-3366.

Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth und Kai Wulff: Stabilization of switched linear differential-algebraic equations via time-dependent switching signals. In: 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2013. - S. 5975-5980.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Michael Kosmykov, Andrii Mironchenko und Lars Naujok: Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time delays, using Lyapunov methods. In: Nonlinear Analysis : Hybrid Systems, 6 (2012). - S. 899-915.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Constructions of ISS-Lyapunov functions for interconnected impulsive systems. In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2012. - S. 6831-6836.

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Dwell-time conditions for robust stability of impulsive systems. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Melbourne, Australia : 2012.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: Local ISS of reaction-diffusion systems. In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 44 (2011). - S. 11018-11023.

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Michael Görges, Michael Kosmykov, Andrii Mironchenko und Lars Naujok: Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks. In: Logistics Research, 3 (2011). - S. 145-157.

Buchkapitel (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Andrii Mironchenko und Lars Naujok: Autonomous and central control of production networks. In: Michael Hülsmann, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Katja Windt (Hrsg.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics : Contributions and Limitations - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2011. - S. 27-43.


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Artikel (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok und Caroline von Totth: Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. In: International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2 (2010). - S. 17-42.

Artikel in Konferenzbänden (referiert)    ↑ top

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Hamid Reza Karimi, Michael Kosmykov, Andrii Mironchenko und Lars Naujok: Application of the LISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii small-gain theorem to autonomously controlled production networks with time-delays. In: 2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2010. - S. 765-770.

Sergey Dashkovskiy und Andrii Mironchenko: On the uniform input-to-state stability of reaction-diffusion systems. In: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2010. - S. 6547-6552.

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok und Caroline von Totth: Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. In: Rachid Echahed, Annegret Habel, Mohamed Mosbah (Hrsg.): GCM 2010: The Third International Workshop on Graph Computation Models : Proceedings. - Enschede, The Netherlands : 2010. - S. 17-32.

Prof. Dr. Andrii Mironchenko

Mathematisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik

Dr. habil. Andrii Mironchenko
Heisenberg-Stelle am Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik

Universität Bayreuth
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik
95440 Bayreuth

Telefon: 0921 / 55-3283
E-Mail: andrii.mironchenko@uni-bayreuth.de
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responsible for the content: Univ.Prof.Dr. Lars Grüne

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