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Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik Prof. Dr. L. Grüne / Prof. Dr. A. Schiela

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Forschungsaufenthalt und Oberseminarvortrag „Recent Advances in Optimal- and Model Predictive Control: Theory and Algorithms“ von Boris Houska

Donnerstag, den 20. Juli 2023 um 09:00 Uhr

Am Donnerstag, dem 20. Juli 2023 um 09:00 Uhr spricht im Seminarraum S 80, Gebäude NW II.

Herr Prof. Boris Houska
The ShanghaiTech Automation and Robotics Center (STAR Center)
School of Information Science and Technology (SIST)
ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China

im Rahmen des

Oberseminars "Numerische Mathematik, Optimierung und Dynamische Systeme"

über das Thema

„Recent Advances in Optimal- and Model Predictive Control: Theory and Algorithms“.

Boris Houska ist am 19.-21. Juli 2023 Gast des Lehrstuhls für einen Forschungsaufenthalt. In dieser Zeit ist er im Büro erreichbar. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsfelder liegen im Bereich Optimale Steuerung, Modellprädiktive Regelung und Robuste Optimierung.

Die Einladung die Zusammenfassung des Vortrags finden Sie in der PDF-Datei.


Optimal- and model predictive control theory and numerical algorithms for constrained linear control systems have reached a high level of maturity. This is in contrast to both optimal control algorithms for nonlinear systems as well as general systems with structural, bounded, or stochastic uncertainties. For such systems one often has to tradeoff between the numerical accuracy and the computational run-time of the optimal- or robust control algorithm. Therefore, the first part of this talk reviews recent algorithmic solutions for robust control with a strong focus on set-theoretic computing methods. We discuss both the most recent approaches on applying dissipativity theory for analyzing the stability of robust and stochastic model predictive controllers [1,2] as well as modern polytopic computing methods for implementing and tuning robust control algorithms [2]. Moreover, the second part of this talk focuses on reformulating and analyzing nonlinear control systems by using modern methods from the field of PDE-constrained optimization and control. We aim at an overview of recent advances regarding the development of efficient algorithms for nonlinear optimal control based on Koopman operators [4] as well as Fokker-Plank-Kolmogorov operators [5]. The talk concludes with an assessment of the state of the art and highlights important avenues for future research..

Selected References:
[1] M.E. Villanueva, E. De Lazzari, M.A. Müller, B. Houska. A set-theoretic generalization of dissipativity with applications in Tube MPC. Automatica, Volume 122:109179, 2020.
[2] F. Wu, M.E. Villanueva, B. Houska. Ambiguity tube MPC. Automatica, Volume 146:110648, 2022.
[3] M.E. Villanueva, M.A. Müller, B. Houska. Configuration-constrained tube MPC. Automatica, 2023. (provisionally accepted; preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.12554)
[4] M.E. Villanueva, C.N. Jones, B. Houska. Towards global optimal control via Koopman lifts. Automatica, Volume 132:109610, 2021.
[5] B. Houska. Convex operator-theoretic methods in stochastic control, https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17628, 2023. (submitted to Automatica)
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