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Vortrag von Philipp Braun im MODUS-Oberseminar: „Orchestrating control laws for reach-and-avoid problems: Lyapunov based approaches“

Mittwoch, den 22. Januar 2025 um 12:15 Uhr

Am Mittwoch, dem 22. Januar 2025, um 12:15 Uhr spricht im S 102, FAN, Gebäudeteil „FAN-B“

Herr Dr. Philipp Braun [en]
Research group „CIICADA Lab“ [en]
(CIICADA = Control, Information, Intelligence, Communications, Automation, Decision, and Autonomy)
Cluster „Mechatronics“ [en]
School of Engineering [en]
The Australian National University (ANU) [en]

im Rahmen des

Forschungszentrums für Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS).

über das Thema

„Orchestrating control laws for reach-and-avoid problems: Lyapunov based approaches“.


Control design for robotic systems guaranteeing safety and convergence properties in cluttered environments is intrinsically challenging due to their potentially conflicting objectives. While several research streams tackle the problem from different angles, a general solution for nonlinear dynamical systems is still out of reach. In this presentation we discuss difficulties, solution concepts and tools in controllers designs for reach-and-avoid problems (i.e., simultaneous target set stabilization and obstacle avoidance). While various approaches exist, we focus on the presentation of related Lyapunov methods.

Weitere Einzelheiten erfahren Sie auf

des MODUS-Forschungszentrums.

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